How to Play


The best way to learn the rules is by playing versus the iPhone and the game explains the reason you win or lose each move.


Each pack of the Gypsy Cards has forty cards; ten cards for each suite.

The suites are:
Gold (coins), Cups, Club and Spades (swords). The cards are numbered: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #10, #11, #12 (ten cards per suite). Notice that there are NO 8's and 9's in the pack.

Only the cards numbered #1, #3, #10, #11, #12 are worth points (called 'Briscas').

The point system is as follows:
#1 = 11 points, #3 = 10 points, #10 = 2 points, #11 = 3 points, #12 = 4 points. #1 is worth the highest points (11 points). #10 is worth the least points (2 points). All other cards have no point value.

There is a sum total of 120 points available in each duel. If each player makes 60 points each, then there is a tie, and another duel must be made to break the tie.

To start the game, the cards are shuffled and then dealt face down, 3 cards are handed to each player. After dealing the hands, one card from the Deck is placed face up on the table; THIS card represents the 'Trump' suite for the current duel. The rest of the Deck is placed face down next to the 'Trump' card.

Gameplay is as follows; the person who didn't deal goes first. He plays one card, then the dealer plays another card. The goal is to defeat the other player's card. The player with the winning card keeps both cards in their discard pile, accumulates the card's points, and is the first to draw a new card from the Deck.

Players will always have 3 cards in their hand, unless there aren't any more cards in the Deck to draw (this includes the card that represents 'Trump').


You can beat your opponent's card if your card is of the SAME suite and is higher in number or is worth more points than the other players' card. Example; #5 of any suite defeats a #2 of the same suite, but that same #5 doesn't defeat a #1 of the same suite, because #1 is worth 11 points and #5 is worthless in points.

'Trump' defeats all cards except another 'Trump' of a higher value or points.

For example; a #3 of 'Trump' defeats a #12 of 'Trump', but a #12 of 'Trump' can defeat a #1 of ANY other suite.

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